
The KEEP is now free!

If you validate your account with /GO VALIDATE on the BBS you will be placed in a free membership with no expiration.

Please do not hesitate to MAIL US if you have any questions.

The KEEP Reserves the right to change rates at any time.

If you would like to help support the system and purchase new games as they are released etc feel free to donate!

Donation Options

Cash, Money Order or Bank Check Make Payable to:Gregory McGill Mail to:
Gregory McGill
11900 Hwy 47
Carlton OR 97111
Credit card or Electronic Check NOTE: Buyers using credit card processing are subject to our terms of service regarding online and credit card payments. We are not responsible for maintaining your paypal or google accounts for you. You must provide a confirmed valid address to use these payment methods.

Google Wallet – http://www.google.com/wallet/send-money/
send payment to arcadeshopper@gmail.com

Amazon Payments https://payments.amazon.com/personal/money
send payment to arcadeshopper@gmail.com

PaypalPaypal is ONLY accepted for payments using personal/friend/family payment.
send payment to arcadeshopper@gmail.com

BITCOIN I accept bitcoin via coinbase.  Sign up here:  https://www.coinbase.com/join/52ceff08845932226800002e

send bitcoins via coinbase to the email address: arcadeshopper@gmail.com

International Payments I accept POSTAL MONEY ORDERS in US funds _ONLY_ for international payments. .Make sure the money order is in _US FUNDS ONLY_ any other type of funds will be refused.

NO I DO NOT HAVE A 900 NUMBER – 900 number fraud has cost us too much money, sorry. It’s just too easy to call the number on someone else’s phone line. I can not be liable for fraud of that nature.

For more information you are welcome to email thekeepbbs@gmail.com

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